I have known Kathy for 9 years, hard to believe! She came as a referral to me during a phase of my life in which I was faced with several health challenges. After many years of suffering, I took control of my own health and wellness, and I embarked on a healing journey which included various paths of healing. Colonics was exceptionally helpful and I continue to see Kathy for maintenance and cleansing. Kathy is wonderful, knowledgable, gentle, and so passionate about her healing practice.
Through my own healing journey, I discovered my own passion and desire to heal and help others. I obtained a Masters Degree in Holistic Health and Nutrition, Board Certfication, and Platinum Level 3 Quantum Reflex Analysis Practitioner Certification. In my own Practice, Holistic Health With Mandi, I recognize the importance of colonics for my own patients, and Kathy and I have established a life long friendship and relationship to share our passions and practices with our patients. The gut is a part of so many facets of health, and it is imperative to clear and cleanse your colon for ultimate wellness! I HIGHLY recommend Kathy to everyone who wants to achieve an unssurpassed level of health!
Mandi S. Babkes MNH, HHC, AADP, QRA
Holistic Health With Mandi
Pittsburgh, PA